Saturday, February 18, 2012

poison control, how can I help you?

Today was a day and a half.  It all started innocently enough, everyone chilling in the living room watching a movie together....... or so I thought. 

Ellie walked up to me saying, "This is yummy, mommy!" and hands me a SILICA GEL packet.... you know the ones I'm talking about.  The ones that say "DO NOT EAT" written all over them!  Talk about PANIC!!!!  I made her spit, getting 2 small silica beads out of her mouth, so obviously she did eat them.  Great.  Next step, a call to poison control.

The suspect 
The poison control nurse was very helpful.  She told me that silica gel was non-toxic, so nothing needs to be done.  Seriously?!?  Then why all the scary warnings all over?  According to poison control the fear is that silica gel is a choking hazard.  (Really?  The beads were the size of a pin head.  How can you choke on that?)  Luckily all that she suggested for treatment was a glass of water to make sure that none of the beads were stuck in her throat.  Thank heavens that is all!!  It definitely scared the poop outta me!  I'm so thankful that it wasn't more dangerous and that I will get to see this smiling face without tubes and wires of the hospital, which is where I was SURE we were headed.
Thank heavens for small blessings!
(and for the record, the silica gel was in the garbage, buried.  She dug it out.  I don't know what I am going to do with the girl!  Everything has to go in her mouth!)

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