Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Easter... a tad late!

Here are the Easter Pics I promised. I know they're late, but give me a break... I'm having a baby in 2 1/2 weeks! =D
Lainey Playing with her new puzzle from the "easter bunny"
Ky showing off his goodies from the "bunny"

My kids in their Easter Duds! (Can you believe how OLD Ky looks?!? I'm so NOT ready to have an 8 year old!)

I know the easter clothes pictures are a little rough but the sun was SO bright when we took them before church, I decided to scrap the photo session and try again after church.... After church it was raining. Gotta love the Northwest in the spring time!


Kathy said...

Oh there are so cute! I love Easter pictures! (They are so big!)

Claire Wallace said...

THIS IS ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!