Thursday, January 22, 2009

Placenta Previa

O.k. folks, I got a call from my doc this morning. The baby looks wonderful. All pictures showed that she is doing as wonderfully as can be expected. I DO have complete placenta previa. This is when the Placenta is completely covering the cervix. Not a good situation for a natural birth, in fact it is impossible. This means that a c-section could seriously be in my immediate future. The doc said that Complete Placenta Previa "usually" doesn't move out of the way all the way and that automatically means c-section. We will do another ultrasound at 36 weeks to see if the placenta has moved and if it hasn't then we will schedule a c-section for 38 weeks, which means this baby could come mid-May. We are officially changing my due date to June 1st (Yeah) There isn't anything I can do to "make" it move, it just happens on it's own, so without sounding "preachy" any thoughts or prayers sent for this to correct itself would be wonderful. I am scared spitless for the dang epidural. (selfish, I know but it's a NEEDLE in my back!!) No matter what the outcome, it's nice to know that the baby is looking good and developing according to plan... Now all we need is a name. Anyone have any suggestions?!?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

And the Verdict is.....

Dearest family and friends,

We are having a......... BABY! ha! Got ya! We are back from the ultrasound and things are looking good. The baby was very calm, we could hardly get her to move at all. It was almost eeiry, but then the baby usually moves in the evening for the most part. We were unable to get a good look between the legs at first, but with some more juice, and some movement on mom's part we were finally able to see... but we will get back to that later... =P (I MUST keep you in suspense!)

The baby is measuring ahead of what the doc thought (but EXACTLY what I said my due date should be) That makes my due date June 1st. The baby is breech, but looks good, but apparently I have a complete placenta previa. I only know this because I snuck a glance at the technicians paper work, and I will know more when my doctor calls with the ultrasound results in the next few days. =D
Now, back to the news that you really wanted to know about...

We are supposed to be having a BABY GIRL!! We are pretty sure about it... but you never can tell until they are born! Kyrin is a little disappointed, he really wanted a baby brother, but excited to have a new baby in the house. He loves babies quite a bit. He just said... "I'm always ganna be the only boy in our house.... except for dad.. but he doesn't count cuz he's a dad not a boy." All in all we are pretty excited and pleased to be one more step closer to having this baby in our arms. (and it doesn't help that I am now a week and a half farther then originally thought!!)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My new workout

I woke up this morning feeling like I hit the gym a little too hard. The problem? I didn't go to the gym! With the new baby coming, John and I decided that it was time to move Lainey out of the crib/toddler bed and into a new big girl bed. The problem is that space is LIMITED! So we decided to get bunkbeds. Lainey will be on the bottom and Kyrin on top. John and I put them together last night and apparently all the bending and twisting and strange positions that I had to pull to put in screws was better then going to any gym! I'm just glad that it is a one time only workout! I think I would cry if I had to do it again tonight! But no matter the pain, the Kids LOVE their new beds and that is all that matters! Now to get their bedroom back into one peice.....

Opps, I forgot the pictures

Lainey was all about sitting on Santa's lap, until it actually came time to do it! Then she wanted NOTHING to do with him! She grabbed her goodies and was GONE!
Kyrin couldn't think of a single thing he wanted for Christmas! His list, "Surprise me" I think that means the Kid has WAYYYY too much STUFF!

Lainey and Kyrin loved decorating the tree! Check out the concetration on her face as she tries to get the hook onto the branch.

Kyrin was really into decorating the tree this year. He was so precise and exact. He made sure the ordaments were spread out evenly over the whole tree and there wasn't a bare spot. Lainey on the other hand, thought the ordaments looked better all on the same branch. Frustrated him a little bit, but they worked it out!

The final product with ALL the loot! The kids were extremely spoiled this year! Thank you Santa and Elves!
P.S. Andrea, can you see how I made the couch work?!? It took some creative shoving and it was actually a LOT more work then I thought it would be. But it really did work well.

Monday, January 12, 2009

really REALLY late updates =D

So, Merry Chirstmas! Yep... it's me again, and I am really that far behind!!

We had a wonderful christmas this year. We stayed home in Moscow, which ended up being a mixed blessing because even if we had planned to travel there was a real possibility we wouldn't have been able to make it! There was A LOT of snow here. It seemed like it snowed over the whole christmas break!

We saved our pennies and was able to fly John's mom up for Christmas this year. It was a little dicey getting her here, her flight from SLC to Spokane ended up being cancelled and she had ONE chance on a stand by flight before she was stuck in the airport for 3 days before they could get her on another flight. Luckily she made the standby flight into Lewiston, (which was a blessing as the roads were 100% better headed that way. All of Spokane was declared a disaster area and every road but 2 were "closed") She finally made it to our house at about 1 am. It was a LONG day for her! But we were glad to have her here. She suffered a stroke a few months back so John and I felt it was important to have the children be able to spend some time with her as life can be so short!

We waited until Kathy (John's mom) was able to be here to decorate the tree. It was so much fun to see my two little munchkins be so excited to show off all the "cool" decorations to grandma before they were put up. It really was a lot of fun. It's amazing how much more fun some of these things can be when you look at it through the eyes of a child. I was really dreading the decorating of the tree because it was "so much work". But we ended up having a lot of fun and the work aspect kind of disappeared!

My kids were spoiled rotten this year! There were so many gifts under the tree for them! I think John and I had one present each under the tree and the rest was the kids. There were so many people who wanted to make sure my kids had a good Christmas we were really blessed. I appriciate everyone who loves my kids as much as I do!

Other then the usual crazy christmas morning (that didn't start until after 7:00 am THANK YOU CHILDREN!) we had a very laid back vacation. We played in the snow some, watched lots of movies and just enjoyed being around each other. We are very thankful for family and friends and all the blessings we have received this year.

We all hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas as well.

As for a quick update on baby, We are still taking it one day at a time. This baby seems to really be a mover and a shaker. The baby likes to kick a lot in the evening times. Kyrin has gotten to be able to feel him/her once and he thought it was TOTALLY awesome. John has yet to feel the baby because whenever I call him over to feel, the baby stops moving as soon as he puts his hand on my bump! It does make it nice for me when I want some sleep at night though, John just puts his hand on my belly and the baby stops moving and I get some relief! We have another doc appointment this week for the same old drill but the big news is our "big" ultrasound will be Jan 21!! (at 6:45 AM... yes that's right AM!!!) At this ultrasound we should finally get an offical due date, the date currently is fluctuating between June 1 and June 11. We will hopefully be able to see how healthy this little one is, and if we are lucky if the baby resembles a Kyrin or a Lainey. Kyrin is still hoping for puppies though! Silly kid! If I am really nice, and good, (o.k. if I remember!!!) I'll update you all on the final decision, until then, feel free to post your guesses on sex in the comments. I would love to see what kind of vibe everyone else is feeling!

Love ya all, and take care!