Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trip to L&D

Wednesday night I got my first taste of Labor and Delivery. I had been randomly vomiting for days and was starting to get shaky, and having a few contractions. I figured I was getting pretty dehydrated despite my attempts to keep liquid down. I went in to see the doctor for a blood pressure check (i have a history of throwing up with Pre-E) which was borderline high... just like it has been for the last 2 months. They sent me to L&D to be "checked" to make sure nothing else was looming. I was checked (no dilation, which is a good thing at this point with the Placenta Previa), put on the monitors, and hooked up to an IV. I also had blood tests done to make sure I wasn't showing signs of Pre-Eclampsia in my liver, etc. Those tests also came back great! The baby's heart rate was GREAT, very reactive. Every time they did something to me, her heart rate would jump. I don't think she liked the IV's either! After multiple blood pressure checks, I have been diagnosed with Pre-Eclampsia. I have been put on official BEDREST... CRY! I will be having to go into the hospital multiple times a week for a Non-Stress test to make sure we don't get any worse. We need to give this baby another 2 weeks to finish growing! So, I will spend the remainder of this pregnancy being watched and laying down. Anyone want to come clean my house, play with my kids, or make my family dinner? It's going to be a LONG 2 weeks!


Tessa said...

Yikes! I'll help you out! I could come by tomorrow and do some dishes. Do you like lasagna?

cheeks said...

do you think i could send some food via mail?! IT might be cold when it gets there! Sorry bout the bed rest...that would suck, but good thing it's only a couple of weeks! there's a girl in my ward with 3 kids who was put on HOSPITAL bedrest a month ago and still has 2 weeks there till delivery! count your blessings!

About Me said...

Hang in there Becki!

Only ONE more week and counting now, right?!? We love you and wish we could help you up there. But we're sending you lots of hugs via the internet I guess.

Keep us posted!
Love ya!

Kathy said...

Hang in there Becki!!! I hope all goes well! Sorry to hear about all of that! Wish I could be there to help!

Matt and Jen McCabe said...

Hey Becki...That stinks! I was on bedrest from 27 weeks to 33 weeks with Avery because of Pre-eclampsia..then delivered her at 33 weeks. I know it stinks. Hopefully it is going by fast! I am 25 weeks with #2 and praying I don't get Pre-Eclampsia this time. I didn't realize anyone else in our family had it too...I guess I wouldn't cause we live so far from each other. Good luck and keep us updated on the arrival of the new little one! We didn't find out gender so it is a Surprise but I think it is another girl :-)