Saturday, December 20, 2008

Another Doctor Appointment

We have had yet another doctor's appointment. The baby looks great. We got to hear the heartbeat for the first time, it is such a heady experience no matter how many times you get to experience it. To hear the life line of your new little being, it's a wow moment. The heart is beating at 162, so he/she is doing wonderful! I should be due for the 'big" ultrasound soon, but I totally forgot to ask about it! Opps. Prego brain strikes again! Kyrin was pretty upset that I wouldn't take him out of school to come to the appointment, but I promised he could be there for the ultrasound and that made it all o.k. again.

Lainey and I have both been sick, so instead of taking her to someones house and contaminating them, I brought her along with me to the doctor. After a bit of checking both Lainey and I, the doctor decided that I have a sinus infection that is contributing to the "morning" sickness and Lainey has bronchitis and an ear infection. We were both doped up with mediciations so hopefully this house can be healthy again soon. I have been sick since Dec 1, so I would rather enjoy not being sick anymore! And maybe, just maybe I can stop throwing up to boot!!! (what a foreign concept!)

We are slowly gearing up for Christmas at this house, we finally got our snow and the kids are happy and Kyrin says that Christmas can now come. I personally could use another 2 weeks or so to finally get all of Christmas ready. I am not ready for it in ONLY 5 days... I have a lot to still accomplish! Guess I better go get crackin'!! MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!

Monday, December 15, 2008

More Photos of the kiddos!

So, I have been reprimanded yet again for not adding enough photos. I promise I take them, I just don't get them downloaded to my computer very dang often! Come on... it is more then my pregnancy brain can handle most days! But here for your viewing pleasure is the children playing in the first snow fall of the season, in the 6 hours before it became so bitterly cold you couldn't go outside anymore for fear of serious frostbite. I mean seriously, I just about got frostbite before I realized I was probably outside until the kids were done and to go get some shoes on... =D My plan was to click a few photos, and then go make lunch. Instead lunch was postponed for a good hour and a half. Not something my pregnancy belly was happy about. I could set a clock by this thing... It is feed it regularly or feel the wrath and pray to the porcelain! (I still am enjoying the joys of "morning" sickness! grrrrrr....)

I promise this is NOT the spawn of satan! She is showing off the snow she had eaten. "it's 'told' mommy!!!"(cold for all of you who don't speak 2 year old)
I refuse to spend what little time I have posing for a picture, get one or not but I am too busy enjoying the snow!

O.k. ONE picture is all I am giving you. Aren't they cute little muffins all bundled up. Can't even believe that it "only" took 45 minutes to get them all dress up this way either, can ya?!?

Lainey has never really experienced snow, last year she was still so wobbly on her feet that we never really took her out to play in it. (I know, bad mommy) She was totally intrigued by it, but really really wanted the gloves off so she could really get into it. She wouldn't believe me that she would be sad if she took her gloves off.
That's all for now. I hope you enjoy. Aren't you all glad for pregnancy insomnia? I can totally waste time doing this instead of standing on the cold kitchen floor doing dishes. (Which REALLY need to be done but again... morning sickness. Need I say more?!?) And for all of you who say shouldn't you be done with this sickness crap, I totally AGREE! I figured by the time I hit 14.5 weeks-16 weeks *docs can't decide on a due date* I should seriously be done... but not this time. We are all praying for an ending in the near future!

Let it snow, Let it snow, Keep the COLD!

So, I know that I asked for snow, which is fine. What I didn't ask for was the sub freezing temperatures that came with it! I mean seriously, as I am sitting here, it is -1 degrees outside without the windchill. I'm freezing. I have blanketed the windows, put blankets at the base of the doors, and still my heaters run day and night to keep my house at a whopping 65 degrees. If the door opens, my house will instantly cool down at least 5 degrees and it will take hours to warm it back up again!

To add insult to injury, my parents just got home from a cruise through the Caribbean. Mom said a storm came through Belize and it was a "cool" 78 degrees. The Natives were wearing every piece of clothing the owned because it was "freezing"! If only! My mom was already wishing she was back in the warmth again! I don't blame her. They were on their way up to their new jobs in Togowtee Mountain Resort in Wyoming (elevation 8,600 Ft). (well, dad has been working there for a while as an accountant and commuting home to IF on the weekends, but this will be mom's first week there as a Hostess) I don't think their temperatures are going to be much nicer then ours have been.

As a mother, this weather holds a whole other dimension. So far they haven't cancelled school yet, even though the temperatures were in the single digits this morning when the kids have to wait for the school bus. This morning Kyrin's bus was almost 10 minutes late. That was a LONG wait (most of them were out there for 20 minutes!) for those little kids out in that cold weather. They didn't cancel outdoor recess for the kids, and if any of you know my son, he has a tendency to be well scatterbrained. He said he remembered to dress for the weather for everything but Lunch recess, he only had his coat for that one and the teachers wouldn't let him go back inside to get the rest of his gear. (No hat or gloves!) I'm just waiting for the illness to start. (Lainey already has a WHOPPER of a cold that has been going for well over 10 days now! Can't keep that kid warm for anything!) Tomorrow looks a lot worse! High temperatures of 4 degrees! I'm almost worried to send him to school. He really does still need a mother to look out for him.

While we love the white cleanness of the beautiful snow, but the cold temperatures can GO! If any of you have any tricks to keep your house warm without breaking the bank (I am PETRIFIED to see what my electricity bill is going to be this month) I'm all ears. I could use all the help I can get!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Let It Snow, Let it Snow, Let it....Rain?

My children are starting to get worried. We are now into December, and we haven't seen any snow. Kyrin thinks that we won't have snow for christmas, and I for one, am wondering if he is right! December 2nd was John's birthday, and this is the first year he can remember EVER that there wasn't snow. Last night, because of the joys of pregnancy, I was up at 3 AM. I looked out the window and saw our first skiffing of snow. I was excited for the kids. I pulled out snow boots and gloves for the morning, climbed back into bed, and heard the rain start. Needless to say, this morning there was no snow. The weathermen keep threating snow, but so far all we get is rain. I am starting to think I live in California. Now, usually I am one who would love the snow to hold off until we get to where ever we are heading for the holidays, but this year we are stuck here. I would love to have some snow so I could try to get into that holiday spirit. I could use it since we have no family this year. So, Let it SNOW, let it SNOW, let it SNOW!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving, part 2

Warning! I am really long winded! A short summary is at the bottom of the page, but I wanted to record this for family that wasn't able to be there for the festivities! Thanks for your patience with the rambling. I can't promise that it will change anytime soon, but you love me anyway....right?!?

After our trip to Idaho Falls, the rest of the time was pretty boring, but I wanted to document it anyway. It was a wonderful time. My youngest brother, Jason, came home from college. My sister and her husband of a year came from Pocatello where he is going to school and Heather is working. My older little brother, Scott, came up from Provo where he is finishing up his masters in Engineering, but this year he brought a new little someone with him. My sister in law and brother had a new baby girl on Oct 22, Aunna Nellie, so I was able to meet my niece for the very first time. She is absolutely adorable and it was a lot of fun being aunty, getting to hold her, but when she pooped handing her back. Usually I am the one that gets the poopy baby back so that was fun. It was interesting to get that many people into my parent's little house, but we managed somehow. I think Jason was feeling picked on because as the only sibling not married yet, he ended up on the couch with Kyrin. The rest of us ended up with a bed of some sort, even if it was a blowup. (Definitely one of the perks to being the "fat" sibling, I don't have to deal with a blowup bed. Mom is scared that it would go flat so John and I get a regular bed.)

Thanksgiving day was celebrated at my Grandmother's house. We had a WHOPPING 30 people for dinner. I still don't know how we were able to fit that many people in her house, let alone at tables with nice table settings! I still believe that grandmas can work miracles. I have believed it since I was a little girl, and I witnessed proof of it again this year. I saw Aunts, Uncles and cousins that I haven't seen in what we figured to be about 2 years. It was wonderful to get together and just be family. I got to sit at the "married grandchildren" table. It was a lot of fun to get to know a few of the other "new" cousins that married into the family. Well done cousins! You did good! It was so weird that there were so many of us. It seems that I had been the lonely only for so long, (most of them have only been married a year or 2 at most compared to my .....8....) besides, they are WAY too young to be married. (really, I think they are the same age I was when I got married, if not older!) My brother and I are still the only ones with children or in the child way, as I was referred to a few times. Eating was an interesting proposition. I have dealt with some pretty intense morning sickness this go around, so I wasn't too sure if I would be participating in the "festivities" but with a little bit a luck and a lot of drugs, I was able to eat most of it. (I still couldn't handle the turkey, didn't matter how many drugs I took, it was still a meat product and there was NO way!) The one thing that really surprised me was the horsd'oeuvres. We always have crazy ones. This year we had dill pickles with cream cheese wrapped in ham and green onions with cream cheese and shredded cheddar cheese. When I saw the pickles, my first reaction was yuck, BUT trying to be a kind niece, I took one to try. IT WAS AWESOME!!! It was like all pregnancy cravings wrapped up in one! I went back for more, but everyone else must have been smarter then I was and took more then one, cuz they were GONE! I am still bitter about it. I will make some more, but I am afraid that after I make them, I won't want them anymore. Isn't that typical?!?

The last full family adventure we had was playing volleyball. It was a blast. There were all ages there, my grandpa, a pregnant me, my sister in law a month out from a c-section, all the way down to my young 10 year old cousins. The only downer was that everyone was very cautious with me because I kept forgetting I was pregnant and diving for the ball... oops. I'm at that very awkward stage where there isn't anything to show your pregnant until you do something stupid and then you get a HUGE reminder! I only went down on my belly once, but after that, I would get yelled at for even going down on my knees. I still am bruised from the game and my muscles are just now getting back to normal after the abuse, but I would do it again in a heartbeat! We are a competitive family but we also have a whole lot of fun doing it. I think we played for about 3 hours. It was a wonderful way to wrap up the trip.

To sum it all up, our holiday was filled with food, fun and family and I couldn't have asked for anything better! I hope yours was just as wonderful.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Much hinted at pictures

Ky finally lost his first tooth. In fact, he lost his second one over thanksgiving break. Now all he wants for Christmas is his 2 bottom teeth.

We went out this fall with friends to the arboretum and snapped some pics. Kyrin is 7, Lainey is 2. They are getting so big!!

Lainey walking with our friend-that-is-family, Dave. It was too precious not to snap. It shows to me how many people these little ones look up to.

Thanksgiving Part 1

O.k. folks, I am sick (thanks Heather and Scott!) so I am going to break this up in my fever laden mind into parts to try and get it all down. I have gotten multiple requests to write about my holiday weekend. Apparently I do silly enough things that people find it humorous to read about my tripping through life.

We were able to finagle enough finances to go home to my parent's house for Thanksgiving. It was the first time we had spent the holidays at home in over 2 years (Thanksgiving or Christmas) so we really enjoyed the time.

The trip up was "eventful" to say the least. We weren't able to leave until after 1 p.m. Moscow Time because I had to work. We finally got out of town around 2, and thanks to Winter sunshine, we hit dark around Couer D'Alene. Roads were o.k. Little wet, which made the passes a little bit Icy. Nothing that slowing down wouldn't fix... so we thought!

As we hit the Idaho/Montana boarder, things got a little icy. (What can you expect from Montana roads?!?) We dropped our speed, but of course on that pass the semi's always slow down to 5 mph and back up traffic. Our trip was no exception. Slowly all the cars started moving around the semis but we were still rather packed together. Something I hate while driving on dicey roads. Up ahead we saw a semi pulled onto the shoulder, with a vehicle (looked like a lead car for slow moving semi's that they have) pulled off in front of it. Of course they were on a curve. We pulled into the fast moving lane to pass a car as we came around the curve. As we were side by side with the other car we could finally tell that the lead car that we had assumed was pulled off to the side of the road was actually STOPPED in our lane! We tried to hit the brakes, but started sliding. That is when we saw that there was a PERSON standing between that car and our sliding truck with one of those light sticks trying to wave us over. Like the more wildly he waved his arms, the quicker our truck would stop sliding. RIGHT!!! Luckily the car we were passing had better traction then we did and was able to slow down so we could move over into their lane and safely get through the obstacle course they decided to set up! We still have no idea why the car was in our lane there wasn't an accident or anything, we figured it was just our warning that we needed to get new tires (which we did accomplish!!)

As we are still taking deep sighs of relief for the successful navigation of the obstacle course, I turn to calm screaming kids when
I turn back around to see a HUGE smear right at my head level. The smear was wider then my hands can spread. John said that it was a white bird, he saw it outta the corner of his eye before it hit. I figure we killed our thanksgiving turkey. I wasn't about to stop and find it though. My parents' did say to contribute what we could... I figured that was a good contribution. We ended up stopping at the 10,000 Silver Dollar just off the major part of the pass to clean the windshield as neither of us could see very well, and let's just say the windshield wipers weren't cutting it.
The rest of the trip was pretty uneventful, except for the totally expected whiny kids. Both of them are stomach sleepers, and neither one of my kids could figure out how to sleep sitting up. Lainey was the worst, screaming forever, and finally falling asleep about 10 minutes before we got into Idaho Falls. (at 1 am) Needless to say, it was wonderful to visit family I just wish we didn't have to deal with the drive.
I hope all your holiday was less eventful than ours was, but enjoyed the same wonderful blessings and thankfulness. We are definately thankful for all our friends and family who love us despite my ramblings. Know that we think about each one of you through this Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Preggo Brain Strikes again!

Soooo... I am officially the most retarded person I know. I was at my parent's house and decided that I wanted to post on my blog but for the life of me, I couldn't remember my email account information to access my blog. I have tried everything that I could have possibly done all, all without success. I even waited because I was sure that I had it saved to my computer at home. I was wrong. So..... I am trying to do this all over again. I have written everything down this time, as well as told my friends, my husband and I think the grocery bagger at the local store! Hopefully they will all help me when this happens again... and I am SURE it will happen again! When I am pregnant (and many will say even when I'm not pregnant) I am brain dead a lot of the time.

I apologize to all of you that have to change my information on your blog. Hopefully I won't do it again, and if I do.... I think I will quit. It obviously means that I do not belong in the blogging world. So here is to round 2! Becki-0 Blog-1