Monday, December 1, 2008

Preggo Brain Strikes again!

Soooo... I am officially the most retarded person I know. I was at my parent's house and decided that I wanted to post on my blog but for the life of me, I couldn't remember my email account information to access my blog. I have tried everything that I could have possibly done all, all without success. I even waited because I was sure that I had it saved to my computer at home. I was wrong. So..... I am trying to do this all over again. I have written everything down this time, as well as told my friends, my husband and I think the grocery bagger at the local store! Hopefully they will all help me when this happens again... and I am SURE it will happen again! When I am pregnant (and many will say even when I'm not pregnant) I am brain dead a lot of the time.

I apologize to all of you that have to change my information on your blog. Hopefully I won't do it again, and if I do.... I think I will quit. It obviously means that I do not belong in the blogging world. So here is to round 2! Becki-0 Blog-1

1 comment:

About Me said...

LOL, totally something I would do, pregnant or not! I do have to write all that kinda stuff down (even though I'm not supposed to) or I suffer the consequences. I often have to click on those links that say, "forgotten your password?"

I'm just glad it wasn't anything more serious than being out of town and having a Swiss cheese brain like mine. I was starting to worry about you after we hadn't heard anything for a long while.

Can't wait to hear all about your Thanksgiving. Hopefully you weren't too sick. I always hate Thanksgivings pregnant. It is worth it though!
